The BERNARD Gruppe has been asked by Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG) to prepare the civil engineering design of the power plant. The plant is located on the Tauernbach between the Felbertauernpass and the municipality of Matrei in East Tyrol.
The Tauernbach-Gruben hydropower plant is designed as a diversion power plant and consists of the water intake with a 3-chamber desander, the headrace waterway – consisting of a headrace tunnel (2.2 km long) and a steel penstock (6.2 km long) – and the powerhouse in Gruben, which is equipped with Pelton turbines. With a head of 380 m and a design flow of 9 m³/s, the output is 27 MW. The annual work capacity is 85 GWh, which corresponds to the electricity demand of almost 25,000 households. Completion is scheduled for 2026.
The BERNARD Gruppe is responsible for the preparation of tender design.
The BERNARD Gruppe has decades of experience in the design of hydropower plants. The projects realized include, among other things, the hydropower plants of Argenbach and Tumpen-Habichen and the pumped storage power plant Reißeck II in Austria, as well as, for example, the power plants of Kirne in Nepal or Dagachhu in Bhutan.
Philipp Schumacher, BERNARD Gruppe